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While I appreciate the alternate take from Tim that wine is an older person's drink, which is generally and historically a truism, but getting away from feelings and vibes and sticking to numbers, how do we square that take with the actual, observable decline amongst younger drinkers? In 2010, the 21–34-year-old group represented 28% (US) and 24% (UK) of regular wine drinkers, but that figure dropped to only 18% and 14% in 2020. Though in 2023 abother report found that 31% of monthly wine drinkers were seen to be aged under 40, compared to 28% in 2021, which suggests a certain amount of post-pandemic recovery amongst the under 40 crowd. But that steep 10 year decline, shaving wine consumption among the young nearly in half, nevertheless occured. Are we thinking that was predominantly a pandemic related decline? Or...?

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